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James Deetan is a first year pathology resident at St. Louis Memorial Hospital. Arriving from the Philippines, he is a foreign medical graduate in the United States for the first time. James is led through his initial hesitating steps of a first year resident, gaining confidence in his diagnostic abilities. He learns the subtle nuances and broad knowledge base demanded of the pathologist. As the year progresses, his confidence as a pathologist and his self-esteem grows. A malpractice lawsuit involving himself and one of his admired mentors devastates and demoralizes him as the year draws to an end. Through this ordeal, James reminds himself of the reasons he pursues a career in pathology, strengthening his resolve to complete his training to become a pathologist.

Cast of Characters

Masao Nomura, M.D.
Attending dermatopathologist and surgical pathologist.

Irene Haas, M.D.
Attending hematopathologist and surgical pathologist.

Daniel Rosenthal, M.D.
Chief resident

 Carlos De Jesus, M.D.
Pathology resident

Deanna Berkowitz, M.D.
Pathology resident

Franklin Washington
Pathology assistant

Wilma Rousseau

Audrey Johnson



I. Sign Out
II. Show and Tell
III. A Reluctant Choice
IV. The Doctor’s Doctor
V. Pillow Talk
VI. Daily Rounds
VII. Frozen Section
VIII. Condyloma Queen
IX. A Patient Is At The Other End
X. A Promising Career
XI. Blood Brothers
XII. No Bias
XIII. A Surefire Plan
XIV. Invitation
XV. Change of Season
XVI. Discovery
XVII. Divided We Fall
XVIII. Quid Pro Quo
XIX. Thin Walls
XX. Epilogue

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